I’m Rosanna 👋🏾. multifaceted creator, designer, introvert.

Nearly two decades of serving clients in an array of environments – retail, corporate, government, non-profit. Solopreneur adept at crafting solutions and strategies to address challenges and roadblocks while delivering innovative products.

UX Designer

Curious collaborator devoted to accessible design. I believe that technology should be created with the least tech-savvy in mind. Access to information is a right, and we can change our world with a willingness to take on new perspectives.

Web Designer

I'm known for customer engagement, collaboration, and strategic design. I excel in agile frameworks, human-centered design, and storytelling. My skills include critical thinking, written and verbal communication, time management, task management, and notch client hospitality.

Friends With Introverts

A fun project that has evolved into an e-commerce site geared towards introverts.

BBF Planner - 90 Day Planner for Business Owners

A smart way to organize your business basics, develop your entrepreneurial mindset, and take effective action over the next 90 days.

Coming Soon | Some Woo Sh*t

I'm currently exploring how to release mental blocks that interrupt my ability to perform and create at a higher degree. I'm looking forward to sharing more about this and supporting people just like me in doing the same.

Business Strategy and Support

My story

The product of a midwest military family and southern sensibilities, I trampled into tech like most millennials – tinkering with Angelfire, followed later by BlackPlanet and then Myspace. At the time it was just dabbling to make and break shit, and by the time college rolled around it was a fun hobby but not something I correlated to being an actual career for myself. If I only knew…
My transition into web design was not direct; customer service, luxury retail, and project management are a few of the lanes I took to get here. 
My pivot into UX design came on the heels of me thoughtfully considering what I liked most about my 

On top of that I’ve earned a degree in public service management (think MBA for gov and non-profits), a certificate in small business planning, and an intensive bootcamp in web development and design. Google scholarship awardee, voted best in class for snark, with the voice of a cowgirl from the hood, I’m down to be your resident awkward Black girl and chief website do-er.